And so it begins.

Oh hey! I moved out of the country. As much as I love the Philippines, I decided to try my luck down under. It wasn't planned or anything. I just tried my luck and with pressure from friends and proper preparation, here I am.

Seriously though, I do consider myself lucky for being given this opportunity. I was kind of hesitant at first because 1) It's scary and 2) IELTS.

But being able to come here is just half of the battle. Being able to live here is the next half (I guess? LOL). I'm currently in the process of job hunting. Hopefully I get one soon.

This change also made me realize a lot of things. Made me think about the things I thought I won't be able to do or accomplish. You see I'm a pessimist. There are a lot of things that I wanted to do that I don't think I can. My usual reason would be I'm too old, or I don't have enough time or worst... I'd rather sleep. But being here made me hopeful.

I want to travel, I want to dive (despite being scared of open water), I want to taste different flavors and cliche as it may sound, I want to see the beauty the world has to offer. I want to meet new people and be able to carry a conversation with them (because really, I suck at that part). I want to study again. Something related to my work that I know for sure I'd use this time. I want to contribute to society, here and at my first home. And being here gives me a bigger opportunity to do those things, it would be crazy to pass it up.

I am optimistic this time. I left my pessimistic self somewhere over the ocean (but she knows how to find her way home. Just saying).


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